General Information Text


According to Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (referred to as the Law); During the collection of personal data, the data controllers or the persons authorized by them must inform the relevant persons. In this context:

Your personal data is processed by SKYDAGGER UA (referred to as the company) as the data controller.

The categories of data that the company processes are as follows:

Personal Data



·         Communication,

·         Personnel,

·         Legal action,

·         Customer transaction,

·         Physical space security,

·         Process security,

·         Finance,

·         Professional experience,

·         Marketing,

·         Visual and audio recordings

Special Personal Data

·      Health Information

·   Criminal Conviction and Security Measures



The persons whose personal data are processed are as follows:



Other - Third party designated by the product or service recipient

·         Employee Candidate

·         Worker

·         Shareholder/Partner

·         Supplier Employee

·         Supplier Representative

·         Person Receiving Products or Services



Other - Third party designated by the product or service recipient

·         Employee Candidate

·         Worker

·         Shareholder/Partner

·         Supplier Employee

·         Supplier Representative

·         Person Receiving Products or Services


·         Worker

Legal action

·         Worker

·         Shareholder/Partner

Customer Transaction

·         Person Receiving Products or Services

Physical Space Security


Employee Candidate

·         Worker

·         Shareholder/Partner

·         Supplier Employee

·         Supplier Representative

·         Person Receiving Products or Services

·         Visitor

Transaction Security

·         Worker



·         Worker

·         Shareholder/Partner

·         Supplier Representative

·         Person Receiving Products or Services


Professional Experience


·         Employee Candidate

·         Worker



·         Person Receiving Products or Services

Audiovisual Records

·        Worker

·         Person Receiving Products or Services

Health Information

·         Worker

Criminal Conviction and Security Measures

·         Worker


The company processes the said personal data for the following purposes:



Execution of Information Security Processes

·         Conducting Employee Candidate / Intern / Student Selection and Placement Processes

·         Conducting the Application Process of Employee Candidates

·         Fulfillment of Employment Contract and Legislation Obligations for Employees

·         Execution of Fringe Benefits and Benefits Processes for Employees

·         Execution of Access Authorizations

·         Conducting Activities in Compliance with Legislation

·         Carrying out Finance and Accounting Affairs

·         Execution of Assignment Processes

·         Follow-up and Execution of Legal Affairs

·         Conducting Communication Activities

·         Planning Human Resources Processes

·         Execution/Audit of Business Activities

·         Carrying out Occupational Health / Safety Activities

·         Execution of Goods / Services Purchasing Processes

·         Execution of Goods/Service After-Sales Support Services

·         Execution of Goods / Service Sales Processes

·         Execution of Customer Relationship Management Processes

·         Carrying out Storage and Archive Activities

·         Execution of Contract Processes

·         Tracking of Requests / Complaints

·         Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations

·         Conducting Management Activities

·         Creation and Tracking of Visitor Records



Execution of Information Security Processes

·         Conducting Employee Candidate / Intern / Student Selection and Placement Processes

·         Conducting the Application Process of Employee Candidates

·         Fulfillment of Employment Contract and Legislation Obligations for Employees

·         Execution of Fringe Benefits and Benefits Processes for Employees

·         Conducting Activities in Compliance with Legislation

·         Carrying out Finance and Accounting Affairs

·         Follow-up and Execution of Legal Affairs

·         Conducting Communication Activities

·         Execution/Audit of Business Activities

·         Execution of Goods / Services Purchasing Processes

·         Execution of Goods/Service After-Sales Support Services

·         Execution of Goods / Service Sales Processes

·         Execution of Customer Relationship Management Processes

·         Carrying out Storage and Archive Activities

·         Execution of Contract Processes

·         Tracking of Requests / Complaints

·         Execution of Supply Chain Management Processes

·         Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations



·         Conducting the Application Process of Employee Candidates

·         Fulfillment of Employment Contract and Legislation Obligations for Employees

·         Execution of Fringe Benefits and Benefits Processes for Employees

·         Conducting Activities in Compliance with Legislation

·         Execution/Audit of Business Activities

·         Execution of Contract Processes

·         Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations


Legal action


Fulfillment of Employment Contract and Legislation Obligations for Employees

·         Conducting Activities in Compliance with Legislation

·         Follow-up and Execution of Legal Affairs

·         Execution/Audit of Business Activities

·         Tracking of Requests / Complaints

·         Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations

Customer Transaction


·         Conducting Activities in Compliance with Legislation

·         Execution of Commitment Processes to Company / Product / Services

·         Execution/Audit of Business Activities

·         Receiving and Evaluating Suggestions for Improving Business Processes

·         Execution of Goods/Service After-Sales Support Services

·         Execution of Goods / Service Sales Processes

·         Execution of Goods / Service Production and Operation Processes

·         Execution of Customer Relationship Management Processes

·         Carrying out Activities for Customer Satisfaction

·         Conducting Marketing Analysis Studies

·         Execution of Advertising / Campaign / Promotion Processes

·         Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations


Physical Space Security


Fulfillment of Employment Contract and Legislation Obligations for Employees

·         Execution of Fringe Benefits and Benefits Processes for Employees

·         Conducting Activities in Compliance with Legislation

·         Execution/Audit of Business Activities

·         Ensuring the Security of Data Controller Operations

·         Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations

Transaction Security


Fulfillment of Employment Contract and Legislation Obligations for Employees

·         Conducting Audit / Ethics Activities

·         Conducting Activities in Compliance with Legislation

·         Planning Human Resources Processes

·         Execution/Audit of Business Activities

·         Carrying out Business Continuity Ensuring Activities

·         Ensuring the Security of Data Controller Operations

·         Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations

·         Conducting Management Activities



Fulfillment of Employment Contract and Legislation Obligations for Employees

·         Execution of Fringe Benefits and Benefits Processes for Employees

·         Conducting Activities in Compliance with Legislation

·         Carrying out Finance and Accounting Affairs

·         Execution/Audit of Business Activities

·         Execution of Goods / Services Purchasing Processes

·         Execution of Goods / Service Sales Processes

·         Carrying out Storage and Archive Activities

·         Execution of Contract Processes

·         Conducting Strategic Planning Activities

·         Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations

Professional experience


Carrying out the application processes of employee candidates

·         Fulfillment of Employment Contract and Legislation Obligations for Employees

·         Execution of Fringe Benefits and Benefits Processes for Employees

·         Conducting Training Activities

·         Conducting Activities in Compliance with Legislation

·         Execution of Assignment Processes

·         Planning Human Resources Processes

·         Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations



·         Conducting Activities in Compliance with Legislation

·         Execution of Commitment Processes to Company / Product / Services

·         Receiving and Evaluating Suggestions for Improving Business Processes

·         Execution of Customer Relationship Management Processes

·         Carrying out Activities for Customer Satisfaction

·         Conducting Marketing Analysis Studies

·         Execution of Advertising / Campaign / Promotion Processes


Audiovisual Records


·         Fulfillment of Employment Contract and Legislation Obligations for Employees

·         Conducting Activities in Compliance with Legislation

·         Carrying out Activities for Customer Satisfaction

·         Execution of Contract Processes


Health Information


Carrying out the application processes of employee candidates

·         Fulfillment of Employment Contract and Legislation Obligations for Employees

·         Execution of Fringe Benefits and Benefits Processes for Employees

·         Conducting Activities in Compliance with Legislation

·         Carrying out Occupational Health / Safety Activities

·         Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations

Criminal Conviction and Security Measures


Fulfillment of Employment Contract and Legislation Obligations for Employees

·         Execution of Fringe Benefits and Benefits Processes for Employees

·         Execution of Contract Processes

·         Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations


The company transfers your personal data to 6698 p. In accordance with the law, relevant legislation and company policy, it can be transferred to the following persons:

Natural persons or private law legal entities


Authorized public institutions and organizations


The company retains your personal data for the following periods:


10 years from the end of the legal relationship


10 years from the end of the legal relationship


10 years from the termination of the employment relationship

Legal action

10 years from the end of the legal relationship

Customer Transaction

10 years

Physical Space Security

2 weeks

Transaction Security

2 years


10 years

Professional experience

10 years from the termination of the employment relationship


10 years

Audiovisual Records

10 years from the termination of the employment relationship

Health Information

15 years from the end of the employment relationship

Criminal Conviction and Security Measures

10 years from the termination of the employment relationship


The company may collect your personal data through cameras in the building, job application form, contracts with employees/suppliers/customers/subcontractors/service providers, personnel file tracking list, website contact form, contact person application forms, membership agreement, call center, our mobile applications and it is collected through visual, written and printed documents/channels on our website.

Reasons for processing your personal data 6698 p. Personal Data Protection Law and relevant legislation, 4857 p. Labor Law and relevant legislation, 6331 p. Occupational Health and Safety Law, 6098 p. Turkish Code of Obligations, Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510 and related legislation, Law No. 5651 and related legislation, Law No. 213 and related legislation, 6502 p. It creates the provisions of the Law on Consumer Protection.

Our company takes necessary and sufficient measures to ensure data security.

As the relevant person (real person whose personal data is processed), your rights listed in Article 11 of the Law are as follows:

  • Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not,
    Requesting information if your personal data has been processed,
    Learning the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,
    Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
    Requesting correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
    Requesting the deletion or destruction of your personal data,
    To request correction, deletion and destruction to be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
    Object to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automatic systems,
    Request compensation for the damage if you suffer damage due to unlawful processing of your personal data.

To exercise your rights by applying to our company, you must fill out our relevant person application form .

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.